Sunday, February 7, 2010

First Paranormal Experience

I lived in Guang Zhou, China for eight years before I moved to the United States. My mother, her five siblings, and their families used to visit our grandpa every weekend. The adults would cook and talk and the kids would mingle. One evening, my three cousins and I were playing cards in the living room in our grandpa’s century old house. For a brief moment, I saw a skinny woman with messy hair, about 5 feet tall, dressed somewhat untidily walking out of the kitchen. I remember vaguely her face but I got an impression that she was in distress. The only person that I could make reference to was my aunt who probably just woke up from an afternoon nap. I looked around the room and found that my aunt was actually behind me chatting with my mom. I was only 6 years old. I didn’t give much thought to this lady but her appearance did give me a chill.

12 years later, 1998. I went back to China and visited my family. Our grandfather’s house is no longer there. The government collected the land to build a subway station. My cousins, who were all grown up, and I were just reminiscing the good old time. One topic led to another in our conversation. I told them about that time, 12 years ago, at grandpa's house. Before I could even finish, my cousins stopped me. They have all seen this woman in our grangpa’s house before. She usually appeared in the kitchen but then disappeared right away. My cousins speculated that she was the spirit of our long deceased grandmother, but I can tell you at that moment all my body hair stood up like a porcupine as I realized that I actually saw a ghost when I was 6 year old. At the same time, I felt good that my first time seeing a ghost was not any childhood make-belief. My relatives actually validated my first and only ghost sighting experience. How cool is that!!!

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