Friday, March 2, 2012

A ghost story from a nurse

First, I just want to welcome all my listeners from Openskyradio who come to check out this blog. As you can see, It has been collecting dust and getting mold. I started this blog in 2010 with the intention of writing about mysteries that I have researched. I stopped because I enjoyed talking about it more.

Anyway, many have asked me why I don't talk about ghosts on my shows. Is it because I don't believe in ghost? Answer: Paranormal phenomenon is one of my favorite subjects to explore. I don't talk about it on my show because I set an agreement in the beginning with Andy Go that I will not talk about ghost because I don't want to steal his spotlight.

Having that said, I just want to share with a story that I heard last year around Christmas. Some of you might know that my wife is a nurse. I went to her work party and got to chat with some of her coworkers about strange things that had happened to them when they were on duty. Interestingly, most nurses said they have never experienced any ghostly encounters; BUT, there was an older nurse who DID share with me about her experience when she was working at a psy ward.

"I worked in a psych facility early in my nursing career. I used to take care of patients with severe mental disorders. One patient named Bobby was always giving us trouble because he likes to walk around the facility by himself. There were a few times that we needed to go on emergency code to look for him. One night, I was doing my chart in the unit hub which was on the other end of a long hallway from Bobby's room.

One evening, I saw Bobby walked out of his room and ran straight down to the other end of the hallway. I immediately chase after him but he was too fast. He already ran out of the corridors. I told my coworker that Bobby is "running away" again. We notified the security who searched the whole floor and the building. We could not find Bobby anywhere. We were worried to death.

When I returned back to my desk, I saw Bobby was in his room talking to a nurse assistant. For a second, I thought I was out of my mind. It turns out our nurse assistant was washing Bobby in the bathroom. Bobby was in the bathroom the entire time!! In other words, the person I saw who exited from his room was someone else. I thought to myself. I swear that was Bobby because he had an distinct weight and height. This bothers me the whole night until my shift was over in the next morning.

I told an older nurse about what happened last night. What the nurse said to me still giving me the creeps when I am thinking about it right now. It turns out Bobby had an identical twin brother who used to visit him all the time. His brother was killed a few years ago in a car accident. A few other overnight nurses have seen Bobby walked out of his room in the middle of the night. But, when they chase after him, they see Bobby was sleeping in his room. One nurse saw this Bobby-lookalike figure walked through a wall in the hallway. They think that the spirit of Bobby's brother is still lingering around in our building."