Wednesday, February 10, 2010

3 days in New Mexico, part 2 - Ghost tour of Old Town in Albuquerque

Ghost Tour of Old Town

My late afternoon nap was cut short by a loud exploding noise. I went up to the window to see what was going on outside. I saw rain was pouring down, sky flashing every 10 seconds, and then following by a loud thunder. Water was running like a river on the slightly slanted street outside of our motel. Immediately, I was worried about tour might get canceled. I tried to call the tour office but no one answered. We decided to go anyway. We headed out an hour before the tour starts. We went to a KFC and grabbed a quick bite of fast food. The KFC cashier told us this is one of the worse rainstorms she had ever seen. After our quick dinner, the rain did not even subside a bit. So, we drove to a nearby Walgreen and brought three ponchos to help us stay dried in the tour later. We left Walgreen and right in front us was more than paranormal. The rain was gone! The sky cleared up!

Upon arrival at the town plaza, we met our tour guide, Mykie, who is a certified paranormal investigator. He gave us an introduction of old town and the ghost tour. Old Town was founded in 1706. The old historic buildings and dark alleys are concealed with long forgotten secrets of battles, murders, hangings, and hidden cemeteries. The 90 minute long lantern-lit walking tour allow us to search for the lost souls of early residents, Civil War phantoms, spooks, specters, wandering apparitions and other ghost who have made Old Town their eternal home.

These two pictures above are showing a souvenir shop in Old Town. The people who work here had reported seeing merchandise moved on its own. Sometimes, they find things placed in unusual patterns.

A haunted café. This place is not only nationally known for its good food but also for manifestation of poltergeist. The spirit of a deceased owner, Sylvia, is believed to be still there. It is a common for waitresses, cooks, and even patrons to see utensils flying around, and furniture get lifted and thrown to the wall.

This is the back of a restaurant which is also a murder site. A disgruntled and jealous husband suspected his wife was cheating on him. One night he came here with his gun and shot at the alleged cheater while he was leaving from work. Since then, tourist and locals have seen a male figure standing next to the tree. It is very common for people to capture capture orbs and misty figures on camera.

Click on this picture and look closely at the upper right window. Someone told me he saw two very vague figures standing behind the window staring out. What do you think?

This is another ghost sighting spot. One night, two skateboarders were knocked to the ground by an invisible force after they said something offensive about a person who was killed at this spot.

Lady of Guadalupe carved in a tree.

Not a very good picture but the brownish structure in the back is a prayer room. Locals report that they have seen a lady dresses in black, nun-look-alike outfit, crying inside the room. When being approached, this lady would traveled through the wall and disappeared. Others have heard sobbing from the room but found no one inside .

Inside the prayer room, Mykie attempted to solicit the spirit to appear in front of us but with no success. We were told that one tourist felt so uncomfortable in this room that she had to leave the tour on the spot.

Old Town Plaza. This location used to be a cemetery. Before they build these buildings, locals dug up over 30 bodies that were buried underground. There are still few bodies underneath the plaza. Paranormal investigators called this a hot spot. Ghost sightings are very common here. Many conduct Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) investigation at this location, trying to capture voices of ghost in audio. One investigator captured a boy who perhaps buried around the plaza area saying “don’t go…you are leaving already?” The investigator attempted to communicate with this boy again but with no success. She felt that the boy had more to tell her.

Near the end of our tour, the lightening and thundering returned. The weather adds an extra creep to the tour, as you can imagine we are talking about ghosts and haunting while the sky was flashing and pounding. What better special effect could we ask for? Right before Mykie conclude the tour, he asked if anyone had any question. A loud thunder struck right behind the plaza. Then, the rain was pouring again. We rushed back to our car and returned to our hotel soaked and scared.

1 comment:

  1. wow. you must've traveled A LOT! that is really interesting! all with in THREE days?! i can't wait until you have more stories up on your great blog! i see two figures in the picture too!
